Mocks: Test taking strategy & Analysis
Mocks Mocks are valuable for your preparation. Mocks are useful for four things. 1. Mocks help you to design your D- Day Test taking strategy 2. Mocks provide you numerical data to do Analysis . 3. Documentation : systematic approach to keeping record of your activities optimizes overall preparation time. 4. You can review and refine your Preparation strategy As far as mocks are concerned we can use them for 4 activities. Given below is the flow of those 4 activities related to mocks. Flow of activities:- Activity 1: give mock test Activity 2: solve not attempted & wrong questions without time limit Activity 3: Do analysis and documentation Activity 4: update your preparation strategy accordingly 1.Test taking strategy 1.1Diagnostic tests You must start your MBA Preparation journey by giving a diagnostic test. Your first diagnostic test will help you...